Burning Man army returns desert to pristine state
By Jenny Kane, Reno Gazette-Journal
A little more than a speck of evidence remains of Black Rock City.
Where about 70,000 people rode lobster-shaped cars, danced witch-like in the moonlight and set up camp for a week straight, now there is only dust. Most of the people that participated in the week of artful libations known as Burning Man packed out their couches, skate parks, igloos, six packs of Bud Light, jungle gyms and crepe makers. They inevitably, though, left behind tidbits of waste.
The reason that leftovers are so trace from this annual hoopla is because of a group of 125 volunteers and workers known as the “Resto” crew among Burners. The Resto, or restoration, team cleaned the earth for two weeks as though tidying a living room before a visit from the in-laws.