Dugard campaigns against Calif.’s Prop. 57

Phillip and Nancy Garrido are in prison for the abduction of Jaycee Lee Dugard.
By Jennifer McGraw, CBS-13
It’s a case that’s hard to forget, an 11-year-old Meyers girl was kidnapped and held hostage for 18 years, but now she is taking to Facebook to stop a proposition on the November ballots.
“The eligibility for parole for Philip Garrido after only 17 years is really a travesty,” said James Clinchard, then prosecutor in the Jaycee Lee Dugard case. “I can’t imagine how she would feel if the Garridos were eligible for parole at a date before 431 years.”
That’s how many years Garrido was sentenced to, but Clinchard said with Proposition 57 Garrido could get that hearing after just 17 years.