Letter: Collin deserves to be on SLT council


To the community,

I have lived, worked and been very involved in this community for 36 years and this is the first time I have been compelled to write a letter in support of a candidate.

I am writing this letter in support of Jason Collin for City Council. I have served on many boards and have attended hundreds of meetings over the years. Starting many years ago, I kept seeing one young man at every meeting I attended. In one way or another, he always seemed to be totally prepared for the meeting and more than willing to participate. I discovered it was Jason Collin.

I continued seeing him, had a chance to talk with him and instantly knew that, someday, he would make a huge impact on our community. Qualities necessary to serve on a City Council are: commitment, time, collaboration, preparedness, civility in public discourse, ability to interact with members of the community and city staff, business experience, leadership experience and problem solving. These qualities describe Jason Collin.

I have witnessed him at meetings involving all facets of our city, as a family man, as a lover of the outdoor activities our area offers and in his very vital role at Barton Health. I cannot think of anyone who is more qualified to help move our city into, what can be, one of the most exciting times in the history of South Lake Tahoe.

I ask you to join me in voting for Jason Collin for City Council.

Paul Middlebrook, South Lake Tahoe


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This article was written by admin


Comments (15)
  1. steven says - Posted: October 25, 2016

    In this town, when a candidate for city council has as many letter writers backing them as Jason Collins, it means special interests are behind them. Is it the same with Jason Collins ?
    Why would anyone back a candidate that wants to take away the public’s voice ? Jason is the person who filed suit to stop the public’s vote on the loop road, don’t ever let someone take away your voice, your right to vote !
    No on Jason

  2. Mary E. Oney says - Posted: October 25, 2016

    I have to agree with Steven. I was shocked when I heard Collins was even running. After essentially telling the voters they did not understand what they would be voting for, I thought, “Oh, he thinks we are stupid.”
    Then I heard that he had announced his candidacy for city council and I thought, “Is he kidding?”
    Then I saw him asking for people to vote for him. Seriously? First he tells people they are not smart enough to vote and them he asks those same people to vote for him. Sheesh!
    And any candidate who teams up with Collins is committing political suicide. That was puzzling as well. I guess this is what happens when you cannot or will not, actually listen to the voters when they tell you what they expect and want in a candidate and in a future for the community that we live in.
    Tahoe citizens, the people who work and live here are pretty fed up with being overlooked in favor of big business interests.
    That is a big NO on Collins….and his running mate…both supported by the same business interests…

  3. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: October 25, 2016

    I agree 100-percent with Mr. Middlebrook and I disagree with the assumptions that have been posted.

    A B C = Anyone But CONNER!

  4. lou pierini says - Posted: October 25, 2016

    Anyone But Collin = ABC

  5. steven says - Posted: October 27, 2016

    Take a few minutes to read the following article to find out more about the Loop Road and its backers. And then vote yes on Measure T and No on Collin. Keep your voice and your vote alive !

  6. Carl Ribaudo says - Posted: October 28, 2016

    No matter who gets elected the city council will not decide the loop road. Most likely it will be federal judge. If your using you votes based on this one issue, your probably limiting your choices.

  7. Robin Smith says - Posted: October 28, 2016

    People are busy busy busy just trying to keep up with the beaurocratic BS that keeps piling up…page after thousands of pages of reading that is supposed to be done and kept track of by our elected officials …that are by the way elected to do exactly that for the people.
    Voters are N0t stupid, they are trusting, hard working people that are being grossly abused.

    Voters wake up one day and find that all this has been done nefariously, in secret and the voters are then ‘notified’ they have no options but to go along.
    Oh…there was a meeting about this at noon on a Wednesday that you didn’t take a day off work to attend so you are not doing your civic duty WATCHDOGGING your elected committee

    Such liars and cheats.

  8. Carl Ribaudo says - Posted: October 28, 2016

    Your job as a citizen is to pay attention. No excuses pay attention.

  9. Robin Smith says - Posted: October 28, 2016

    Yeah…well the 70+ group is paying attention to what is going on with their children and grandchildren and they are N0t happy…they are going to clean it up. Sacrifice your own children and grandchildren to these corrupt people!

    The rest get on the porch and let the big dogs run!

  10. carl Ribaudo says - Posted: October 28, 2016

    No they are not. They didn’t clean it up while they had a chance. They talk big but they are done. New generation is moving in place and they will either clean it up or pass it on. Hopefully they will learn from the mistakes that came before them.

  11. Robin Smith says - Posted: October 28, 2016

    Hmmmmm?…how old are you?
    Hmmmm?…how many children?
    Hmmm?…how many grandchildren?
    Hmm? many g’grandchildren?
    and your parents are living where?

    Good luck Carl;)~

  12. Carl Ribaudo says - Posted: October 28, 2016

    Robin it’s not how old I am. Your comment that the 70+!crowd is going to clean things up just doesn’t square with reality. It would be nice if they could/would but they won’t because by and large the benefit from the existing situation.

  13. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: October 28, 2016

    Some people use the excuse of being too busy to be informed as a way of shirking responsibility and then being able to turn around like a victim and criticize others because they don’t like their decision-making.

    Since the future of the 70+ group is largely behind them, the newer generation that has a future in front of them needs to take control and shape their community as they want it to be for themselves and for their children. To all you newer generation people, talk to your parents, aunts, uncles and grandparents and share with them what your hopes and dreams are for the future of your community. Don’t let your older relatives rely on someone else who may feed them information that would solely serve that individuals best interest.

    And for older individuals really wanting to help their eventual heirs, you should ask the newer generation what it is they want since they’ll be the ones who will be living it. If however you just want to control their lives from your grave, then discard everything they say to you.

    And for the record, I’m 73.

  14. Robin Smith says - Posted: October 28, 2016

    Increasingly the tourists are traveling in family units, bookings for Vacation Rentals and time shares are designed for the entire family 80yrs-2mos. That’s generations of family traveling together.

    It doesn’t matter how old you are…THEY are traveling together and you had better get used to it;)~