Letter: Collin deserves to be on SLT council

To the community,

I have lived, worked and been very involved in this community for 36 years and this is the first time I have been compelled to write a letter in support of a candidate.

I am writing this letter in support of Jason Collin for City Council. I have served on many boards and have attended hundreds of meetings over the years. Starting many years ago, I kept seeing one young man at every meeting I attended. In one way or another, he always seemed to be totally prepared for the meeting and more than willing to participate. I discovered it was Jason Collin.

I continued seeing him, had a chance to talk with him and instantly knew that, someday, he would make a huge impact on our community. Qualities necessary to serve on a City Council are: commitment, time, collaboration, preparedness, civility in public discourse, ability to interact with members of the community and city staff, business experience, leadership experience and problem solving. These qualities describe Jason Collin.

I have witnessed him at meetings involving all facets of our city, as a family man, as a lover of the outdoor activities our area offers and in his very vital role at Barton Health. I cannot think of anyone who is more qualified to help move our city into, what can be, one of the most exciting times in the history of South Lake Tahoe.

I ask you to join me in voting for Jason Collin for City Council.

Paul Middlebrook, South Lake Tahoe