Letter: Davidson is best choice for LTUSD board
To the community,
Annie Davidson should be the next LTUSD school board member from trustee Area 1.
My name is Brooke Martone- Ballachey. I was born and raised in Christmas Valley and attended elementary school through high school in the Lake Tahoe Unified School District. I am now raising two children in our community and am the owner of a small business.
Before I knew of Annie’s long impressive resume and dedicated career as an educator; I met Annie as a fellow parent at Tahoe Parents Nursey School (TPNS). Over the past three years I have gotten to know Annie through both various school activities and community events. Having served on the TPNS board with Annie I was always impressed with her fairness and ability to listen and communicate with a varied group of people all having different opinions.
Both Annie and her husband, Matt Lucksinger, are always one of the first people to offer a helping hand and dedicate themselves to our community needs.
Annie would be an invaluable asset on the School Board. Both her background and career in education and what I have seen of her ability to critically think; work with many people that may not agree on all issues and come up with a creative solution make her the ideal candidate.
I believe it is in those simple interactions with Annie on a day to day basis that you see her brilliance and passion for our children. Annie being the Mother of two elementary school kids also adds another level of depth to her understanding of our school district’s needs. She is always approachable and puts 100% into whatever task she takes on.
It is for these reasons I think Annie Davidson being a member of the school board would help to influence our community in a positive direction and I urge you to vote Annie Davidson for school board member trustee area #1.
Brooke Martone-Ballachey, South Lake Tahoe