Lawsuit filed to stop Martis Valley West project
A lawsuit has been filed to stop the Martis Valley West project.
The Davis-based nonprofit California Clean Energy Committee on Oct. 26 filed the suit against Placer County.
The group contends the county did not adequately address California Environmental Quality Act regulations because the environmental documents were inadequate.
The California Attorney General’s Office had weighed in before the vote saying the documents were substandard as well. The county multiple times said the documents are solid.
Mountainside Partners of Truckee, the developer, and landowner Sierra Pacific Industries have been working on this project for at least 10 years. Build out is expected to take 20 years.
The project has been controversial because it takes undeveloped land in Truckee that borders Lake Tahoe and turns it into a subdivision for second homeowners.
— Lake Tahoe News staff report