Letter: PAC spends $60,000 on Collins, Laine

To the community,

[On Oct. 28] I attended the LTCC and South Tahoe (California) Chamber’s candidate forum. This forum is designed to allow one-on-one exchanges between members of the public and the candidates.

Bruce Grego

Bruce Grego

I learned a few things from this forum. Brooke Laine openly declared that she sought the endorsement of the Nevada-based chamber, but was unaware that she would be slated with Jason Collin. She claimed to have protested to the chamber’s political action committee (PAC) that she is not running with Jason Collin, but they told her that they can do what they want and she can’t stop them. Jason, on the other hand, seems to welcome all the money that the PAC is pouring into his campaign.

The PAC that is supporting these candidates is the political action committee of the Nevada-based chamber. The PAC that is trying to hijack this election for Jason and Brooke has spent nearly $60,000 based upon the most recent financial disclosures. From the information I obtained at the forum, most of the other eight candidates will spend less than $2,000.

Jason also disclosed that “around $20,000” has been spent to file and pursue the lawsuit against the loop road Measure T. Jason sought to prevent this measure from being placed on the ballot and undermine the will of the people; a judge ruled against him. Jason refused to say whether he will continue to litigate this suit after the election, and refused to disclose the individuals and/or groups that paid for his lawsuit against the South Lake Tahoe voters concerning Measure T.

How can we vote for candidates that are willing to be supported by a PAC or too naïve to understand the impact of such support?

We need to elect independent candidates who will vote their conscience on behalf of the citizens of South Lake Tahoe. Equally important, we need elected officials that appreciate the full consequences of their decision-making upon our community so we can avoid such decisions that lead to Project 3, the “hole”.

Let’s not allow powerful well-funded PACs to take over our city. Vote for independent candidates and vote yes on Measure T.

Bruce Grego, South Lake Tahoe

Publisher’s note: Below is financial documentation provided by the letter writer:

Document 1, Document 2, Document 3, Document 4, Document 5, Document 6, Document 7, Document 8, Document 9, Document 10, Document 11 and Document 12.