Letter: Questioning chamber’s influence on election

To the community,

On Oct. 30, the election committee for the Nevada-based chamber of commerce filed its official report with the city for expenditures for the upcoming City Council election. That filing reported over $30,000 spend on behalf of the two candidates they are supporting. $30,000 is a lot of money and this is in addition to funds contributed directly to the two candidates.

These funds paid for several mailings and large newspaper ads run in the local newspaper. One has to wonder what they want so badly that they are willing to spend this much money to get it?

The same newspaper that has expected thousands of dollars in advertising from the chamber has refused to run any ads from the opponents of the chambers chosen two. On Nov. 28, they accepted full payment from a supporter of one of those candidates to run an ad that was intended to expose the efforts of the chamber to get their choices elected. They refused to print it.

I am not a conspiracy advocate, but the public should know that the funds came from Nevada interest, the interest supporting the person that sued the citizens of South Lake Tahoe to stop them from voting on the loop road issue.

Masha Long, South Lake Tahoe (yes, my dad is running for City Council)