Letter: Reasons to vote for Davidson

To the community,

I am writing this letter in support of Annie Davidson for the LTUSD board. She is mother to two LTUSD students and knows firsthand the challenges that our school district, educators, and students face. She has no political ties that might sway her in one direction or another in regards to what is best for our community.

Annie has worked in the field as a researcher, teacher, and leader in education and policy. She has taught at the elementary level, at the university level and has worked most recently, as a research manager conducting studies for diverse educational projects. She tells me that their main goal was to contribute to education for all students by teaching educators how to tap diverse student potential. I love that.

We need someone who has fresh ideas and who is committed to the joint vision for a future based on input from all of the South Lake Tahoe community, not just those who speak loudest or have been around the longest. Annie is knowledgeable, she is qualified, and most of all, she is willing and able to take on this very important position to make sure that her daughters and mine grow up in a community that cares and acts, instead of just talks, to make LTUSD work for all of us.

My vote is for Annie Davidson.

Kim Demus, LTUSD parent, South Lake Tahoe