Letter: Vote yes on P, U and R
To the community,
As a sitting council member and board member of Lodging Association, I urge voters to vote yes on Measure P – “P” for play and recreation. This would increase hotel taxes by 2 percent throughout the city. The Lodging Association is supporting this measure because recreation is our economy; investing in our economy will encourage more visitors and visitors to stay longer, which in turn supports the rest of our local economy.

Tom Davis
I also urge a yes vote on Measure U, a one-half cent sales tax with a yes on R for roads to direct those funds into our roads. I’ve been advocating for this investment to roads for many years. My mantra is “Roads, roads, roads.” This money will improve our roads for years to come, which in turn will provide good paying jobs and this is what the citizens have told me is their priority. This is a good consistent funding source for roads. If passed, I and the City Council will encumber those funds to be used only for roads — if measure R passes.
To address the housing concerns, I’ve asked the mayor to host a housing symposium in early 2017 bringing the city, county, TRPA and all adjoining agencies together to develop solutions for housing.
Everyone asks me, “Whom should I vote for City Council?” My answer is to vote for someone who works well with others, who is respectable of other city councilmembers and city staff; someone who listens to our local citizens and hears and treats others respectfully as well as earns the respect of fellow councilmembers, staff and community.
Tom Davis, South Lake Tahoe
Council Member Davis:
Thank you for an excellent letter. I agree 100-percent with your recommendations and I especially appreciate your beliefs that the individuals elected to serve on the City Council need to work well and respectfully with others. South Lake Tahoe and the entire South Shore needs and deserves nothing less.
I would guess this Davis letter says no on Conner and no on Collin.
It also says he and his roads, roads mantra were a failure all the years he has been on the council.
Hopefully a non-nevada council will fix the roads.
Measure R is non binding, the money fron measure U goes into the general fund and can be used for anything the council wants.