Snippets about Lake Tahoe

·       Registration for the Tahoe Rim Trail Association’s through hike opens Jan. 25. For more info, go online

·       Project Graduation is an organization of Truckee parents who are dedicated to providing graduating seniors with a safe, sober and supervised graduation experience. Project Grad’s main fundraiser, the Truckee High Senior Fashion Show, will be May 21, but more donations are needed. For more info or to donate, email

·       Rage Again & A Perfect Tool will be at Whiskey Dicks in South Lake Tahoe on Jan. 6. Doors open at 9pm. Cost is $15.

·       The Shakespeare Festival at Sand Harbor has announced its 2017 summer shows – “Loves Labours Lost” and “The Hound of the Baskervilles.” For tickets and more info, go online

·      Jill Brugler’s Dirty Diapers/Rabbit Ears is a clay and ceramic exhibit at Western Nevada College’s Main Gallery. It opens today and will be shown through Feb. 3.