2017 may be bumpy ride for scooters in Nev.

By Glen Meek, Las Vegas Sun

There are no official numbers, but anecdotal reports suggest a new law could have serious consequences for some commuters on Nevada roads.

The law requires all mopeds (often called scooters) to be registered. While it won’t take effect until Jan. 1, the Department of Motor Vehicles began the inspection and registration process Nov. 1 to give riders plenty of time to adjust. As of Dec. 4, 298 mopeds had been registered statewide, 281 of them in Clark County. But how many others will fail the DMV’s new test for moped classification?

According to DMV spokesman Kevin Malone, several inspectors have reported that about half of the vehicles brought in so far haven’t met the specs. He said the agency wasn’t tracking rejections and called the apparent rate merely “noticeable,” but if unofficial reports indicate a larger trend, a significant number of scooter riders may have to find a new way to get around or else register their vehicles as motorcycles.

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