4-wheeler gets stuck in meadow by Angora

A driver got caught four-wheeling in a Tahoe meadow on Dec. 11. Photos/LTN
A recent transplant to the Lake Tahoe Basin learned the hard way where not to go four-wheeling.
The driver, whose name has not been released, got his Chevy Blazer stuck Dec. 11 in the meadow by Angora on the South Shore.
With all the rain the area has received in the last week, it’s like a bog there. The SUV had mud up to its axel.
The U.S. Forest Service cited the man for driving off a designated route. Heather Noel with the USFS said what he was deliberate.
The preliminary assessment is that there was not extensive damage done to the meadow, but the USFS will be looking at the area further.
“Driving or riding off designated routes on national forests can cause unacceptable resource damage to include vegetation and wildlife habitat destruction, soil erosion, and degraded streams,” Noel told Lake Tahoe News. “By utilizing roads and trails designed for use through forests and grasslands, our natural resource communities are less likely to be stressed by recreational use.”
— Lake Tahoe News staff report
He was briefly in custody while he was being cited. The citation amounts to a criminal complaint regarding which, in order to be released, he signed a promise to appear for a court hearing. So why, and under what legal theory, would the media / public be denied access to his identity?
Agreed. Do we need to file freedom of information request? The forest service needs to explain their actions.
Maybe it is a relative of a connected individual like the Meyer School vandalism case a few years back.
More concerning than his name, is that so many dirt heads in the basin think they can drive into any area to tear it up. That is their one and only goal, do some 360’s and see what damage I can do. Instead of a minor citation, this deserves a major moving violation, a hefty fine, impounding of the vehicle and hits on his license ! Stop pussy footing around and make this type of idiotic environmental damage, costly to the drivers.
Don’t forget about the billions of dollars spent to “protect” the basin.
Wow, I never thought of pussy footing as a four letter word that would get censored.
So I figured out I was censored for misspelling pussyfooting. I guess it is offensive if the two words are separated. Big brother is watching and offering no help.