Benefit concert to help South Shore woman

Students in the music department at Lake Tahoe Community College are putting on a benefit concert Dec. 14 at 7pm in the Duke Theatre to support a fellow rocker dealing with cancer.

Students in music teacher Eric Hellberg’s fall quarter rock ensemble classes will take the stage, performing classic rock n’ roll hits, some gospel, country, and a little bit of heavy metal to help raise funds for the Angie Peart Cancer Fund. 

Peart, a repeat rock ensemble student and wife of LTCC reprographics/phone operator Bob Peart, has been battling an aggressive form of brain cancer since last year. All proceeds from the concert will go toward helping the Pearts to cover medical and hospital travel costs, and to LTCC’s music department.

Suggested donation is $10.

If you cannot attend the concert but would like to make a donation, contact LTCC Foundation Executive Director Nancy Harrison at 530.541.4660, ext. 245 or