Free transit during holidays on North Shore
Getting from Truckee neighborhoods, Northstar, and Squaw Valley to and from downtown Truckee during the holidays just got a whole lot easier with free shuttle service.
From Dec. 26-31 there will be free, convenient shuttles.
Free neighborhood shuttles between downtown Truckee will be available those days from noon-2am. The neighborhood shuttles will service: Donner Lake, Sierra Meadows, Brockway, Prosser, Tahoe Donner and Glenshire.
Connections between the neighborhood and resort shuttles can be made at the Truckee Train Depot.
Free nightly resort shuttles will be provided between downtown Truckee to Northstar and Squaw Valley between 6pm and 2am daily.
Connections between holiday shuttle routes and TART daytime service can be made at the Truckee Train Depot. Connections between holiday shuttle routes and TART’s free night service can be made nightly at Northstar and Squaw Valley.
For schedules and additional information, go online.