K’s Kitchen: Dip will make people eat their veggies

By Kathryn Reed

Sometimes I feel like a kid; I eat more veggies when there is a dip – especially an unhealthy one.

It’s not that I have a problem eating enough vegetables. But they aren’t something I tend to snack on unless there is a dip.

I made the recipe below for some friends. Thank goodness there was left over dip. I scarfed the rest of the raw veggies with the dip the next day in a way that would have been a bit embarrassing had anyone other than the dog witnessed it. I could have just eaten spoonfuls of the concoction.

I’ve always loved blue cheese, so it was a no brainer this recipe was going to be to my liking. And while it is a dip, there isn’t any reason it couldn’t be used as a salad dressing.

I used Veganaise only because that is what I keep in the fridge now instead of regular mayo.

blue-cheese-dipBlue Cheese Dip

1 C Veganaise

1 C sour cream

6 green onions, finally chopped

2 T dried parsley

5 ounces blue cheese, crumbled

Garlic salt to taste

Mix all of the ingredients together. Chill in refrigerator until ready to serve.