Letter: Find a new venue for SnowGlobe

Publisher’s note: The author asked for his 2013 letter regarding SnowGlobe to be republished because he still stands by it — here it is. Below is a new letter.

To the community,

Look, I know heads in beds is the name of the game in this town. But SnowGlobe is a poorly run event because it doesn’t have a proper venue. This year was the worst ever with noise — bass. The tree removal and site expansion just amplified everything.

It also floods the town with people when we are already at capacity. Not to mention that the SnowGlobe theme doesn’t mesh with the family friendly town that the city wants to market. Look, call me a pansy, but when my house shakes and my dual pane windows rattle I have a legitimate complaint. If my neighbors were being that loud, they would be shut down.

Again, have events that bring people to the area. I’m all for it. But be sure to have a proper venue before you establish an event.

John Spinola, South Lake Tahoe