LTVA, TRTA awarded tourism grants
Lake Tahoe entities are the beneficiary of Nevada Commission on Tourism grants.
The state agency this week awarded $504,230 in grants to rural Nevada tourism organizations for marketing efforts.
NCOT awarded funding to 89 marketing projects designed to increase overnight stays, boost brand awareness and expand marketing programs for communities in rural Nevada. Grants are awarded twice a year, and this recent distribution is the second in fiscal 2017. A total of $1.4 million was awarded in fiscal 2017.
Recipients include:
· Lake Tahoe Visitors Authority was awarded $6,000 for public relations efforts around the Amgen professional cycling race; the agency will host the first two days of the 2017 women’s race. This high-profile event raises awareness of the Lake Tahoe area as a world-class destination for recreation and elite cycling. To amplify that message, grant funds will be directed toward digital advertising, social media and public relations.
· The Tahoe Rim Trail Association was awarded $7,500 to construct the group’s new website. The Tahoe Rim Trail, a 165-mile rail around Lake Tahoe, is one of the premiere outdoor destinations in the region and a key contributor to Nevada’s outdoor recreation economy — a $14.9 billion business, according to the Outdoor Industry Association. A modern, updated website will help ensure the trail’s continued success.
Grant recipients must provide a 50-50 match in funds or volunteer hours unless a waiver is approved. Funding for the Rural Grants Program does not come from the state’s general fund. TravelNevada receives three-eighths of 1 percent of room tax revenue as its operations budget. A portion of those funds is used to offer the Rural Grants Program.