Money Matters: Time to be one community
By Nic Abelow
‘Tis the holiday season. No matter your political, religious, economic, or cultural beliefs, the reality is we are all in this together. The holiday season is a time to reflect and cherish the important people in our lives. Also, it is a time of giving and many are in need of those gifts.

Nic Abelow
We are in this together. We are all on the same ship traveling through space. By coming together we can make this place better.
Did you know that in our local community we have more than 400 nonprofits and volunteer organizations? These are the people who have made a commitment to better our local community. They commit tens of thousands of volunteer hours every year to make this place tick.
Sometimes we need to just realize that others have different perspectives, and that is OK. Sometimes we need to keep a more watchful eye and look out for our fellow neighbors. Sometimes we need to just get up, and get out and lend our services to our great community.
I wanted to provide a simple list of ways all of can do a better job of making our home a better place to live and visit:
· Promote local businesses
· Participate in holiday food drives
· Sponsor or coach a youth sports team
· Attend a local charity event
· Offer your skills by volunteering.
The only way we will live in a better place in the future is for all of us to become more involved today. I encourage you to get up, get out, build friendship and fellowship, and make Tahoe a place we all want to call home.
Nic Abelow is a LPL financial advisor with Abelow, Pratt & Associates Financial Advisors and Wealth Management. Abelow is a board member of the Rotary Club of South Lake Tahoe and the Tahoe Regional Young Professionals.