Snippets about Lake Tahoe
· Tree removal for the Highway 89-Fanny Bridge project in Tahoe City will take place from 8am-5:30pm until May, weather permitting.
· The Carson Ranger District’s fire crews have started pile burning in the Arrowhawk fuels reduction project area near Reno in the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest.
· Santa’s annual fly-in at the Truckee airport is Dec. 10 from 10am-3pm.
· National Park Service is offering 10 free days in 2017: Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Jan. 16, Presidents Day on Feb. 20, National Park Week weekends April 15-16 and April 22-23, National Park Service Birthday on Aug. 25, National Public Lands Day on Sept. 30, and Veterans Day weekend Nov. 11-12.