Snippets about Lake Tahoe
· South Tahoe Refuse will pick up Christmas trees that are free of all decorations from Dec. 26-Jan. 6 on regular garbage days.
· Incline Village General Improvement District’s board this month voted to change the policy for trash violators. First offense for residential customers requires getting a wildlife-resistant trash cart, second offense will be a fine between $100-$999, three or more offense involves fines between $500 and $999. Commercial properties could face a $999 fine the first time, with multiple infractions costing another $500 to $999.
· Caltrans District 3 employees donated $21,391 in cash and 577 pounds of food to charities across an 11-county region, including Lake Tahoe.
· Here is the sierra roadwork schedule from Caltrans for the coming week.
· South Lake Tahoe Moose Lodge No. 1632 donated 51 boxes of food to the South Lake Tahoe Family Resource Center.