Explosive device kills ski patroller at Squaw

Updated 4:42pm:

A ski patroller at Squaw Valley died Tuesday morning during avalanche control activities.

Joe Zuiches, 42, of Truckee was killed Jan. 24 by an explosive device used for avalanche control.

“The cause is believed to be the detonation of an explosive charge, and does not appear to be avalanche related,” the resort said in a statement.

Placer County Sheriff’s Office and North Tahoe Fire Department are conducting the investigation.

The incident occurred at 8:35am during avalanche control activities at the top of Gold Coast Ridge.

Zuiches had worked at Squaw since 2012.

He is survived by his wife and infant son.

The Joe Zuiches Memorial Fund has been established through Go Fund Me.

The resort was closed for the day on Tuesday.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report