Letter: EDC Republicans on opposite side of supes
To the community,
The El Dorado County Republican Central Committee wholeheartedly opposes Assembly Bill 1 and Senate Bill 1, which, if passed, would raise gasoline taxes by 12 cents a gallon and diesel, taxes by 20 cents a gallon.
The two bills, both proposed by Democrat legislators, would also raise vehicle registrations by at least $38 per year.
We also completely oppose the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors unanimous vote to send letters of support to Democrat [state] Sen. [Jim] Beall and Democrat Assemblyman [Jm] Fraizer in support of their efforts to raise these taxes. In their recent letter of support passed on Jan. 24 the EDC Board of Supervisors stated that these proposed taxes were part of a plan to refine “Republican ideas on revenues and reforms”. To be clear, raising taxes, especially in this drastic fashion, are not in line with any Republican principles. To the contrary, the Republican Party believes economic growth will only come through lowering taxes and eliminating unnecessary regulations.
On behalf of hardworking local families the EDC Republican Central Committee respectfully asks that the EDC Board of Supervisors rescind their recent support of Assembly Bill 1 and Senate Bill 1. These bills particularly harm rural counties, like El Dorado, the most because our residents have to drive more miles compared to that of a typical urban California family.
We look forward to working with our county’s Board of Supervisors to find real solutions to our local and state transportation needs.
Todd White, chairman El Dorado County Republican Central Committee