Letter: Liberty was super accommodating

To the community,

My two contacts with Liberty Utilities were via the phone number published by local media for “electric outage reports”. Each call was answered quickly by a friendly and efficient live person. In addition, I received a follow up welfare call from what I think was a field technician within one hour of area “brownout” restoration.

My battery powered scanner was on overload with emergency communications between responding agencies. Listening almost an entire day, I heard positive, “out loud” team thinking to solve difficult, unanticipated issues.

No complaints here if my taxes fund such real time, real life cooperation. Job well done.

A note to planners: I have “plain old telephone” (POTS) service for just these kinds of emergencies. With no electricity, one has no Internet access for utility information sites or social media and probably no telephone.

Please keep it simple going forward.

Thank you again responders.

Dawn Armstrong, South Lake Tahoe