Letter: MontBleu assists Bread & Broth

To the community,

“Bread & Broth’s Monday meal event is always heartwarming and we are very happy to be able to participate in the Adopt a Day of Nourishment program,” commented Michelle Bergstrom, MontBleu’s director of administration.  

As the adopt a day sponsor for the Dec. 19 dinner at St. Theresa Church, MontBleu donated $250 to provide the funds to cover the meal costs to provide over 100 meals served to the evening’s dinner guests.

MontBleu casino has been sponsoring two adopts a days annually for the past several years and Bread & Broth is very thankful for their generous and on-going relationship with our program. With the assistance of our sponsors and donors, B&B has been feeding the hungry for over 27 years and their contributions ensure the program’s sustainability.

In addition to their financial donation, MontBleu casino’s human resources team members Bret Paulin and Mindy Bobadilla joined Bergstrom in helping the B&B volunteers at the dinner. The three MontBleu team members enthusiastically worked alongside the B&B volunteers making sure that the dinner guests enjoyed their meal and left with bags of food to help them through the week. Thank you to MontBleu and their team members for their concern for the hungry of our community.

Carol Gerard, Bread & Broth