Letter: Proud of SLT’s women’s march

To the community,

I am so proud to have been part of the Bi-State Women’s March on Saturday. And I am proud that Soroptimist International of South Lake Tahoe sanctioned the opportunity for 500 women, men and children to march, not as a protest, but in unison to affirm that “women’s rights are human rights”.

This march was a very peaceful demonstration, starting out with a few hundred participants gathered at the Hard Rock, proceeding down the walkway to the California line where the walkers morphed into a single traffic lane. And thanks to South Lake Tahoe Police Chief Brian Uhler’s support and the awareness of we mountain people the 2 1/2-mile procession was orderly and very responsive to the encouragement of passing autos and their occupants.

But then, at the beginning and all along the march route, people crossed the highway from motels and shopping venues to join in; others jumped out of cars to march along and other participants waiting at various locales joined in … and we had 500 women, men and children feeling not a chill but the warmth of the moment.

The snow? It only added to the moment!

And kudos to all the women whose commitment to human rights brought this march to life.

Del Laine, South Lake Tahoe