Letter: Vet lashes out at American Legion
To the community,
My letter to the editor is provided to all of my friends and neighbors in the area asking for advice and assistance. This is my true story.
My name is Mike Williams, I graduated from El Dorado High in Placerville in 1971. I was drafted to serve my country in the heat of the Vietnam War at 18. I would have never though that at the age of 19 I was taking arms and legs off our service men and women. I was stationed at Balboa Naval Medical Center as a corpsman. I know that I have held the hands of over 300 soldiers who never made it. I hope no one has to go through what I had to and see what I’ve seen.
Sorry about my grammar and storytelling; this is my first time at this, and I’m upset as I’m writing this letter to all of you. Forgive me.
To the point I was a homeless veteran a few years ago in the streets of Sac. I got beat up under the rose garden outside the state Capitol. I should have died from my street beatings, and the cold wet rain but thank God it’s all over and today I’m safe and have a place to live. I’m a changed man forever and have a heart to really help our veterans so I decided to form a business to help and employ our veterans. Today I’m CEO of a company called Veteran’s Pride Foods. The reason for my company is to help veterans by giving them a job working at my Hot & Sausage cart located across from Poor Reds at George’s Pit Stop in El Dorado. Please drop by and see me during lunch time. I’m their from 11:30 to 3:30.
As a past homeless veteran, I’m always looking to help veteran groups in need and looking for veterans to employ. After reading about the nations largest veterans support group in town, the American Legion 119, I became a member. The reason I joined was to ask for their support in my efforts to help our veterans and wanted to tell them my story and to make a presentation to the board to assist in a fundraiser and event at their hall. The event was to raise money to support the American legion 119 and to support and employ our veterans.
I arrived one hour early to look around and also meet other veteran members and introduce myself.
I had no idea there would be a full active bar and that most all of the board members were drinking and getting drunk before the board meeting, but I went with the flow and gave my request and presentation for approval anyway. During this time I found it very strange that no one asked a question and no one seemed to care. Why? I was disrespected and shamed!
After the meeting and as I was walking out the door I asked a fellow veteran is this the way business is done in the American Legion? He told me to not make waves and just go with the flow and I’m sure they will get back to you soon. Nice guy, he thanked me for becoming a new member. So I left expecting a reply very soon.
Three weeks latter I finally got a call from a member of the board stating that the board voted no to allowing me to use the hall and that they didn’t want to support me or my company’s efforts to employ and help our local veterans. I asked him why. He told me that they didn’t want me to use their kitchen. I said what? I told him that I never asked to use their kitchen and told the board that I’m catering the lunch from our own commercial kitchen. He knew that as did all the other board members. I was so upset so I told him that I wanted to see the minuets and try to get a straight answer. I was told to forget it and move on, don’t make waves. Today I still don’t have the board minutes and I don’t like being treated like I’m some idiot. I’m the reason they exist. Read their website.
I’m not going to take this lying down and I’m not going to forget it and go away. I don’t care what they say. Did all of you know that the American Legion raises millions in donations to help veterans and homeless veterans just like me? … and pay no taxes!
The American Legion 119 is a scam and run by a bunch of drunks. I’m asking all of you to never give money to support their scam bar and lie and never support the American Legion 119 in any efforts to raise money stating that they are in business to support our veterans. They are not!
Join me in exposing this veteran club bar asking for money to help our veterans and then drink it away. Let’s expose them for what they are. I want to audit them and I bet you that they have never taken a veteran off the streets.
Who am I? Just a poor past homeless veteran trying to help our veterans. Shame on me. I bet I have paid more in taxes than they have to helped more veterans. Did you know that the veteran suicide rate has increased 32 percent in 2016 and 30 or more veterans kill themself everyday?
Bless all of you who took the time to read my letter. God bless America and our veterans. I can use some help to fight these scammers. Got any ideas? I would really like to sue them for what they are doing and what they have done to me.
Thank you,
Mike Williams, Cameron Park