Placer County tightening rules for VHR operators

Placer County is going after vacation rentals that are not paying transient occupancy tax.

The county is launching an initiative to ensure lodging operators are registered with the county and following the rules for TOT collection and remittance.

The goal is to identify and notify non-compliant lodging providers of the county’s TOT ordinance requirements, ensure compliance and extend assistance in completing the registration process. In addition, inspections of existing operators’ records will be conducted on a more frequent basis, including field inspections and desk audits.

In October, the county contracted with Host Compliance to assist with its effort in identifying, in real-time, Internet-based rental companies operating out of compliance in the unincorporated areas of Placer County. Services provided under the contract include trend monitoring, address identification, compliance monitoring and rental activity monitoring.

Last June, the county also initiated a contact with MuniServices to assist with conducting more frequent inspections of records, ensuring lodging providers are complying with the requirements.