2 lost snowshoers rescued during blizzard

Two people are lucky to be alive after getting lost in the Mount Rose Wilderness in whiteout conditions.

Washoe County rescue crews went out in the blizzard Sunday after receiving a call at about 5:45pm that a couple in their 60s was lost in the wilderness area. At times visibility was less than 30 feet. 

They were located above the Incline Creek drainage. Using cell phone coordinates the search teams were able to locate the two at about 8pm Feb. 26. The pair was able to walk out on their own, led by the search team. They were at the road by 9pm.

“Given the conditions up there it’s a good thing we are able to get them out. This was a life-saving mission,” sheriff’s spokesman Bob Harmon told Lake Tahoe News. 

Names and hometowns of the couple have not been released.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report