A big apology from Lake Tahoe News
I want to apologize to all Lake Tahoe News readers for the difficulty you are having logging onto the news site.
The server crashed because there are so many of you all of a sudden interested primarily in our weather related stories. While on the one hand this is a good thing, I know it is also incredibly frustrating.
We are working to rectify the problem, but it won’t be instantaneous.
We are still producing the news every day. So, if you seemed to miss something, it will always be online. Keep logging on and refreshing your browser, we’ll be back with uninterrupted service as soon as possible.
— Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher
In this business ‘crashing’ is good!
I thought is was a problem on my end. Thanks for the update.
No apology necessary Kae. I am glad that your readership is loyal and large. You have worked very hard to build your following and may it continue to grow.