Hwy. 50 in Calif. may open Sunday night

At least some people have kept their sense of humor through these storms. Photo/LTN
Updated 3:10pm:
Caltrans is projecting a 6pm Feb. 12 opening of Highway 50 between Meyers and Placerville. Traffic is expected to have one-way controls.
Interstate 80 is open in both directions.
Highway 395 in Nevada is open in both directions.

Elks Club has such horrendous pot holes that El Dorado County closed the Tahoe street. Photo/Kathryn Reed
Highway 50 remains closed Saturday morning from 8.4 miles east of Pollock Pines at Ice House Road.
Caltrans has crews on the scene working to clear a major mudslide that crossed all lanes of the highway on Feb. 10.
The road has been open on and off much of this year because of ongoing avalanche control, slides and spinouts.
Interstate 80 is open to eastbound traffic, but expect delays. Westbound has been stopped since Friday because of a mudslide. Crews are also on scene there working to open the road.
Boulders in the road and an unstable hillside continue to have the Logan Creek Road area on the South Shore blocked, preventing South Shore travelers from getting to Carson City via Spooner Summit.
Highway 89 around Emerald Bay is also closed.
There are local roads in the basin that are also closed because of standing water or massive pot holes.
The good news is the sun should be out for the next few days. The potentially bad news is the temps are going to be warm, which will cause what snow is left at lake level to continue to melt. This in turn will add water to the already swollen creeks, streams and rivers.
— Lake Tahoe News staff report