Letter: Chemicals not the answer for TK weeds

To the community,

There are several non-chemical methods available today, that used in combination for killing, removing and decaying the invasive weeds and their food source, will eliminate the weeds not just one time, but permanently.

There is no need to use chemicals that combined with the algae will create bacteria that has been proven to cause neurotoxins that cause Parkinson’s, Lou Gehrig’s disease, etc. The chemicals that are put in breakdown into other chemicals that never leave the lake, but worse, is the bacteria that is created in the water that we drink, swim and bathe in.

Cyanobacteria has also now been proven to go airborne. Our water supply systems do not clean for the chemicals that remain after the herbicide has broken down.

Support the use of a non-chemical methods that used in a systematic combination will be a model to the country and world on how to clean lakes without chemicals.

Elise Fett, Crystal Bay