Letter: SnowGlobe remnants are an eyesore

To the community, 

If you’re a visitor to this site, you know that I have a strong opinion about SnowGlobe. Again, I will state that I am not against it, I am against were and when it is held. I’m all for well run events that bring people to the area.

Now that being said, I just want to ask: When is SnowGlobe going to clean up its mess? Its been a month and there are still office trailers, cargo containers, port a potties, signage, tables, and fencing that needs to be cleaned up. Not to mention all the trash that is now covered by snow and won’t be seen until spring.

You can’t use snow as an excuse. You know it snows here and snow is in your event name. Snow is a part of your promotion. The promoter and vendors at SnowGlobe made theirs and we are left looking at the mess. Again, this is another example of a poorly run event.

John Spinola, South Lake Tahoe