Unity at the Lake looking for new home

Unity at the Lake’s days are numbered at the South Lake Tahoe owned building on Rufus Allen Boulevard.

The lease goes through Jan. 31, 2018. The city wants the building back to be able to use it on a temporary basis for recreation while the new permanent facility is built.

When the church signed the first contract in fall 2011 it was for five years. The City Council at the time didn’t learn about the deal until July 2012. Since that time the city has created rules for long term leases that get the elected involved early on.

“The whole experience was not good. It was not put out to bid. It was not a good process,” City Manager Nancy Kerry said.

The department head who signed the lease is no longer with the city.

At this week’s council meeting the five agreed to waive the monthly rent increase and to have the lease expire Jan. 31. Some flexibility will be granted if need be, according to staff.

No one from Unity was at the Feb. 7 meeting.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report