Wet weather may bring more invasive weeds

This wet weather brings the probability of increased noxious weeds, which are invasive weed species that can be detrimental or destructive to Nevada’s landscapes.

Nevada is bringing attention to the weeds now because this is National Invasive Species Awareness Week.

“Invasive noxious weeds species like perennial pepperweed and purple loosestrife, grow well in wet soil conditions and can spread rapidly during flooding events,” Sean Gephart, the Nevada Department of Agriculture’s noxious weed coordinator, said in a statement. “It is extremely important for landowners to keep an eye out for weeds like these on their property to reduce the risk of spreading.”

he Nevada Department of Agriculture provides numerous resources such as the Nevada noxious weeds quick reference guide, which highlights the most effective control measures for common species. In addition, staff is available to assist landowners when needed. The NDA website also provides a list of licensed control companies that help eradicate weed invasions.

 Week is Feb. 27 through March 3.