Boulders keep falling along Hwy. 50 in Nev.

Rocks continue to fall in Nevada along Highway 50. Photo Copyright 2017 Carolyn E. Wright

The evidence of the unstable slope along Highway 50 at Logan Shoals continues to pile up in what was the No. 2 travel lane and along the shoulder.

“Many of the boulders which have fallen into blocked-off travel lanes remain there as another physical object and barrier to help further diffuse and prevent future rock fall from reaching the travel lanes,” Meg Ragonese with the Nevada Department of Transportation told Lake Tahoe News.

The inaccessible travel lane will stay that way until crews can stabilize the slope. That should happen this summer.

The right eastbound lane has been off-limits since early February when multiple SUV-sized boulders fell into that lane. Since then NDOT has placed two rows of concrete barrier rail as well as large bags of gravel to prevent other boulders from landing on vehicles or impeding traffic.

“We are right now finalizing design of a road improvement project to stabilize and reinforce the roadside slope,” Ragonese said.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report