Carbon dioxide subject of talk at SNC

Ben Houlton, director of the John Muir Institute of the Environment at UC Davis, will give a talk April 20 about the current state of carbon sinks, their vulnerability to future changes, and how global climate policies are susceptible to the sustainability of natural carbon dioxide uptake.

Humans produce carbon pollution. All around the world, habitats called carbon sinks have absorbed approximately 25 percent of this carbon pollution reducing the risk of global warming impacts without imposing a monetary cost on society.

Registration for this event is required.

The program will begin at 6pm, with refreshments and no-host bar from 5:30-6pm at on the campus of Sierra Nevada College. Seating is open at 5:30pm to guests who have pre-registered, open seating starts at 5:50pm. A $5 suggested donation will be collected at the door.