K’s Kitchen: Perfect winter comfort food

By Kathryn Reed

When I didn’t know how to fix something at my house that I thought by a certain age I should have known already, my friend Rene told me we learn things when we need to know them.

I channeled that sentiment of his when I called my mom last month to ask how to make mashed potatoes. Yes, I really had never made them before. I got a lesson in mashed vs. whipped potatoes, which potatoes work better, the suggestion to use salt in the water when boiling the potatoes, and using some of that water for mashing.

The potatoes are what take the longest with this recipe, so keep that in mind for timing. (Of course, there are always instant mashed potatoes out of a box or whatever they come in.) But you also want them hot, so really, they should be made last.

This is one of those perfect winter comfort foods.

Upside Down Shepherd’s Pie

1 T olive oil

10 ounces ground beef or meat substitute

1 C onion, chopped

½ medium turnip, chopped

1 medium carrot, chopped

3 tsp fresh rosemary, chopped

5 garlic gloves, minced

2 C vegetable stock

2 T flour

1 C frozen green peas

½ tsp black pepper

1 tsp kosher slat

3 C mashed potatoes

If using real meat, cook it in a little oil over medium heat.

Heat oil in pan, cook onion, turnip, carrot, rosemary and garlic until vegetables are tender. Add meat to the mix.

Blend stock and flour so there are no lumps. Add stock mixture to pan; bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium, and simmer 4 minutes or until thickened. Stir in peas, pepper, and salt.

Divide potatoes between four shallow bowls, then top evenly with veggie mixture.