Student art contest to highlight AIS

Young artists and future biologists are invited to enter the California Invasive Species Art Contest sponsored by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. This year’s theme is Don’t Let it Loose!

Youths in grades 2-12 are eligible to enter. Entries should depict invasive species that might be released into California’s waters, parks and wildlands, along with appropriate messaging such as, but not limited to, the following:

  • Releasing invasive species into the wild can harm the environment and California’s native plants and animals
  • Description(s) of one or more species that are commonly released into waters, parks or wildlands
  • Explanations or illustrations showing other ways to rehome unwanted pets or plants
  • Drawings, paintings, animations, comic strips, videos, public service announcements are welome.
  • Submissions must be received by May 5.

Winners will be chosen in three age divisions: grades 2-4, 5-8 and 9-12.  “Invasive Species Program Choice” Award.

Entry forms and more information are available online.