Agencies stocking cutthroat trout in Sierra lakes

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife will start releasing pilot peak Lahontan cutthroat trout into Truckee area waters to give Sierra Nevada anglers the opportunity to catch some trophy-sized trout in a year or two. 

Last week CDFW received a shipment of cutthroat trout eggs from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s hatchery complex in Gardnerville. This is the second shipment of eggs in the last two years and is part of a joint effort between the agencies.

The pilot peak Lahontan cutthroat trout is a lake form of cutthroat trout. This particular strain is native to the Truckee River basin and is known for their aggressive feeding behavior and large size. 

Stocking of the sub-catchable size fish from last year’s eggs will begin as early as next week and will continue as the snow melts. Lakes to be stocked include Echo, Fallen Leaf, Donner, Boca, Prosser, Stampede and Webber.