Letter: Hellman clan donates to Bread & Broth

To the community,

“This is our fourth time volunteering and our family loves it,” said Lenny Hellman on behalf of himself and his wife, Sarah, and daughter, Samantha Lee. “Our experience is rewarding as we are able to contribute to the community.”  

Hosting their first Adopt A Day of Nourishment on March 27, the Hellman family members were welcomed by the Bread & Broth volunteers as they joined in helping with the meal’s setup, serving and cleanup.

While taking a break from the dinner’s serving line, Hellman commented that, “We appreciate Bread & Broth and value their service to the people of South Lake Tahoe.  We hope to continue our contribution and donate our time every year. Thank you for allowing us to host and join the wonderful team of volunteers. We served 91 patrons.”

The enthusiasm of Lenny, Sara and Samantha was contagious and they made the dinner guests feel welcomed, which was an extra added bonus to the hot, tasty dinner consisting of roast pork loin, mashed potatoes, cole slaw and a wide assortment of yummy desserts. Sponsors like the Hellman family are wonderful examples of how family members can share the experience of doing good works and creating lasting memories of the joy of helping others.

Carol Gerard, Bread & Broth