Meeting to address Caltrans work in SLT
Caltrans is hosing a meeting April 12 for people to learn about the upcoming project on two miles of Highway 50 in South Lake Tahoe.
The primary objective of this $56 million project from the Y to Trout Creek is to collect and treat highway storm water runoff. The project also will help meet the goals of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency’s environmental improvement program.
The project will widen the roadway to provide 6-foot shoulders for bike lanes, replace traffic signals, rebuild curb, gutter and sidewalks and improve pavement cross slope. Caltrans also is working with South Lake Tahoe to make improvements at Sierra Boulevard with a signal and left turn lane.
The meeting is scheduled from 5:45 to 7pm at the South Lake Tahoe Library, 1000 Rufus Allen Blvd. A project presentation will start at 6pm.
Let’s hope they coordinate their closures with the closures on Pioneer Trail by the city, county, and utility work, so the closures are not at the same time.
There is already a left-turn Lane from Hwy 50 on to Sierra Blvd – altho it should be evaluated for safety Southbound where you face head-on turners into the fitness club! AND, why would a left-turn Lane be needed from Sierra Blvd on to Hwy 50, when there is no thru-traffic or competing traffic from Scuza’s parking lot! It will only add more time to be able to proceed from Sierra Blvd on to Hwy 50!
The left-turn lane from Sierra Blvd should NOT have the pedestrian crossing obstructing it. That crossing must be moved to the right side, not obstructing left-turners. Right turns and pedestrians are easy.
Sierra Blvd. Needs 2 left turn lanes, check it out on school days in the am and on any day traffic is coming from pioneer trail.