Easement on Northstar land creates more public access

More than five years after Promised Land Express chairlift opened at Northstar the ski resort is now in compliance with conditions put it on by Placer County.

The resort donated a conservation easement on 56 acres to the Truckee Donner Land Trust. The resort first treated the 56 acres for fuels reduction and wildlife enhancement.

This acreage is located in the western portion of the Northstar in an area with high habitat conservation value. This easement complements the 233-acre easement on the east side of Highway 267 and the 37-acre easement near the Village at Northstar already operated by the Land Trust on Northstar land. 

These easements provide access to public recreational lands and are important for water quality protection as they contain diverse riparian waterways. 

This season the Elizabethtown Trail that connects Waddle Ranch Preserve to Northstar will be open.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report