Food drive benefits LTUSD students in need

Bread & Broth 4 Kids’ Cram-a-Cruiser food drive will be at South Lake Tahoe’s Grocery Outlet on May 6 from 10am-3pm.

Community members will fill up the police car with food items such as: individual Cup-of-Noodles, cups of macaroni and cheese, canned soup or meals like ravioli and chili, fruit snacks, granola bars, individual packets of oatmeal, breakfast bars, individual servings of fruit cups and applesauce. 

A list will be provided at the event for those shopping at Grocery Outlet.

The food goes to local children in need who are in grades K-8 at Sierra House, Bijou, Tahoe Valley and South Tahoe Middle schools.  Each Friday, Bread & Broth 4 Kids fills 130 backpacks of food for students in local schools who have been identified as needing help with food over the weekends and holidays. Weekend bags contain seven meals and four snacks, all non-perishable and single serving size.