Letter: Cloud seeding needs to be stopped

To the community,

To everyone that needs oxygen to live … that is every single one of us and most all lifeforms. All of us have the right to clean, toxin free air and water as described in the Constitution as “the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

SMUD, Sacramento Municipal Utility District, put a notice out May 17 that says they plan a massive increase in cloud seeding without any environmental review. The meeting is June 1 at 6:30pm at Strawberry Lodge. The notice says they plan to treat 444 square miles of Desolation continuing across Highway 50 and over the headwaters of the only river that feeds Lake Tahoe, the Upper Truckee, and out to Kirkwood.

There are numerous water agencies with money to spend that have a target on the basin. All of the particulates fall out over the basin as carried by the prevailing wind out of the southwest and west, mostly. Their programs are poisoning both the east and western watersheds for their thirsty landscaping and buildings for the millions deplaning without housing in both California and Nevada.

Both states are long past the point of being able to handle any more people and that is one of the only reasons that we have government. To protect the resources that sustain all life. Unending sustainability has always been a contradiction in terms.

Where is (El Dorado County Supervisor) Sue N(ovasel) on this? I called her office early last week for a response and have received no call back. What about the El Dorado, Placer, Washoe, Douglas, Alpine and Amador counties boards of supervisors?

Where is TRPA? Where is the city? How about the Audubon Society and the Sierra Club? How about the SLT realty board? Are they “Love Canaling” our properties?

The endless list of toxins that have been proven to be sprayed on us daily have resulted in undeniable decimation of our natural environment. The airplane noise is everywhere now, even deep in the wilderness. It is undeniable for anyone with eyes and ears. Silver iodide and the 10 other faux names it goes under, is harmful to aquatic life, should never end up in a water system and causes numerous ill effects in humans and all life. It has made me terribly sick with a cough that won’t quit for two winters as well as many other symptoms. The sky terrorists have practiced on us long enough.

Barton — time to expose your respiratory related treatments and admissions and oxygen saturation rates. How many people are on CPAP machines and hauling around oxygen? How many residents are getting home oxygen delivery? What is the percentage oxygen in our air? (Not near what it should be). One thing is certain. You can’t detect what no one is testing for.

If any attorney is reading this, we need a cease and desist order for SMUD and any other agency that is toxifing our environment and our bodies.

Now connect these dots. City of SLT removed all noise monitoring from the airport. Notice in Friday print paper says city will make all kinds of changes at the airport for current and future aviation needs. No environmental review. No information on what the future aviation needs are. I am guessing they are in bed with the weather modification corps and interests and intend to use the airport for these harmful, noisy and unlawful spraying activities — for money of course. Time for answers. Please be at the meeting and submit your comments.

Linda Witters, Upper Lake Valley resident of 38 years