Letter: Tell NDOT not to reduce lanes on Hwy. 50

To the community,

Tahoe locals: There is a very important meeting on May 31 at Zephyr Cove Elementary School from 4-6pm that we really need people to attend. NDOT will be presenting their concept for shrinking down Highway 50 to just one lane in each direction from Glenbrook to Round Hill. They claim it will make 50 more productive and safer, but there are many reasons why it is not a good idea.

1. Just as the 580 extension is being completed that will allow quick and direct access to Tahoe from Reno, this would bottleneck the traffic.

2. Reno, Sparks and surrounding areas are growing and expanding like crazy, create more visits to Tahoe. This change will make that much more difficult.

3. Imagine yourself in the winter behind someone who doesn’t know how to drive in the snow and now there are no passing lanes. They claim there will be turnout sections, be we all see how well they are (NOT) utilized on Kingsbury grade.

4. If there is an emergency evacuation, god forbid, this will impede our ability to get out quickly.

5. Nevada side people, consider how difficult it is now to turn left off of Warrior Way. When all the traffic is funneled into one lane, things will be even more difficult.

This impacts people on both sides of our state line. Please consider attending no matter where you live in the South Shore.

The list can go on and on. If you have a business in South Tahoe, you need to consider the impact to your business when it is even more difficult to get here.

We need to show up at this meeting and tell NDOT that this is a bad idea. You need to have your opinion on record. Please come, learn, share your opinion and keep our four-lane highway.

Stacy Noyes, Zephyr Cove