Unleashed dogs causing problems in Truckee

The Animal Services Division of the Truckee Police Department has seen an increase in complaints related to dogs being uncontained or off leash, especially in open public areas like the Truckee River Legacy Trail.

Here are some reminders about walking dogs in public areas off leash:

  • The Town Municipal Code requires all dogs be under control at all times when off the property of their owner or caretaker. This means that no dog may be off leash in any public area unless the dog is in the immediate presence and under direct control of the owner and the owner can demonstrate effective control of the dog.
  • Carry a leash at all times. If your dog is off leash and attacks or bites another person or dog or causes another person to become injured, you may be subject to a violation, as well as civil legal action.
  • Avoid a citation, pick up after your dogs as this is a growing problem in Truckee and will be strictly enforced. Dog waste pollutes water sources. Scoop it, bag it, and most important, toss it in the trash.
  • Interfering with the lawful movement of pedestrians and bicyclists is also a citable violation. People who use the trail are entitled to an incident free experience. This includes the off leash “friendly dog” contacts. If you see someone on the trail riding their bike, running, or walking, it is the owner’s responsibility to keep that dog contained until the person passes by.
  • Truckee Regional Park has a strict leash law from May through October. All dogs must be on a leash at all times while in the park.
  • All dogs are required to be vaccinated against the rabies virus and licensed.