Agencies working to rid Sand Harbor of Asian clams
An Asian clam control project will start this month at Sand Harbor.
The goal is to treat a small, isolated population of Asian clams at Sand Harbor before they spread to an unmanageable level. Treatment will be accomplished by covering approximately 4 acres of the lake bottom near the boat ramp with thin rubber barriers.
The barriers measure 10 feet by 100 feet and are placed by divers over known populations of Asian clams on the bottom of the lake. Steel rebar on top of the barriers keeps them in place and deprives the covered clam population of oxygen.
To help ensure the success of this project, boaters are asked not anchor on top of mats or disturb the mats, sand bags and/or rebar.
Asian clams stimulate algae growth, which reduces the quality and clarity of Tahoe’s waters. Once dead, Asian clam shells wash ashore, creating hazardous conditions for boaters and the recreating public.