China looks to Calif. to lead climate change fight
By Jessica Meyers, Los Angeles Times
Gov. Jerry Brown met with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday in a rare diplomatic coup that catapults California into quasi-national status as a negotiator with China following the decision last week by President Trump to pull the U.S. out of the Paris climate accord.
Their encounter underlined the extent to which Trump, as he pursues an “America first” foreign policy, is being sidelined on the world stage. Xi spent nearly an hour talking to Brown, one of the administration’s loudest, most powerful critics on the environment.
They discussed global warming and green technology in the Great Hall of the People, a granite-columned building on Tiananmen Square reserved for high-level dignitaries, political gatherings and ceremonial occasions.
Ah, don’t you just love Governor Moonbeam.
Putting the cart before the horse sounds about right
for numbskulls. The worlds number one “polluter” tells CA to lead the way. What am I missing in this insanity?
Jessica Meyers you besmirch journalism with your extreme parochialism and lack of integrity.