EDC has help for severely mentally ill residents

For El Dorado County residents with the most severe forms of mental illness, the Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT) program (also known as the Laura’s Law program), is available.

The program, coordinated through the El Dorado County Behavioral Health Division of the Health and Human Services Agency, gives additional tools to families, agencies and individuals to get people who need mental health treatment into those services.It

It recognizes that some people with the most severe forms of mental illness may need help in understanding that they need treatment.

The AOT program uses a community-based, case management model to assist the seriously mentally ill with placement into mental health treatment. The program works with clients to seek voluntary participation whenever possible, but can utilize the court system if needed to leverage that treatment.

To be eligible for the AOT program, an individual must be evaluated to see if they could benefit from treatment and if they meet specific criteria.

For more information, call 530.573.7970 in South Lake Tahoe.